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Recycle e-waste with NamiGreen - keep Africa clean

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Recycle servers / mainframes

Recycle your old servers / mainframes / telecom equipment


E-waste servers mainframes NamiGreen recycles the following equipment in our Server/Mainframe/Telecom-recycling programme:

  • Servers
    Servers, routers, switchers, cabling, cabinets etc
  • Mainframes
    Typically old mainframes, bank equipment, ATM etc
  • Telecom equipment
    Antenna systems, telecom routers, switchboards, radio/antenna equipment etc.

NamiGreen recycles all sorts of servers, mainframes and telecom equipment. We are working with Dell, HP, Cisco, Toshiba, Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, and many other known brands.

By recycling your equipment professionally with NamiGreen, you are guaranteed that the equipment is disposed and recycled according to local laws and international laws.

NamiGreen E-waste affiliations

NamiGreen Ewaste Recycle Forum Namibia PEHANSEN logo WEEE logo E-waste Africa logo Namibia coat of arms The Document Warehouse Namibia E-waste