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Recycle e-waste with NamiGreen - keep Africa clean

Book e-waste collection      Email: [email protected]     Tel. +264 (0)81 450 6556


Become an e-waste supplier - we are looking for foreign partners

NamiGreen is actively looking for foreign suppliers of large volumes of e-waste. We have the facilities, manpower and necessary permits to handle e-waste in large volumes.
We adhere to the Basel Convention and we accept e-waste from foreign countries.

Collaborate with NamiGreen on the growing amounts of e-waste: contact NamiGreen E-waste today.

Namigreen E-waste featured in

The Namibian - e-waste articles NBC Namibia - e-waste articles Namibia Economist - e-waste, electronic waste recycling Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia Windhoek Express - e-waste articles in Windhoek Express Namibia Eagle FM - radio interviews about e-waste recycling Namibia Republikein - articles about e-waste recycling Namibia Namibia Trade Directory - articles about e-waste recycling Namibia PressPort - press release distribution

NamiGreen E-waste affiliations

NamiGreen Ewaste Recycle Forum Namibia PEHANSEN logo WEEE logo E-waste Africa logo Namibia coat of arms The Document Warehouse Namibia E-waste